Graphic recording

Graphic recording is capturing peoples ideas and expressions in words, images, and color as they are being spoken in the moment.
I works as a graphic recorder with my own studio and by default it requires me to meet, interact, and works with countless number of people, across ethnic group, generation, education, and occupational backgrounds.
This encounter with real life people along with my drawing exploration enables me to capture situation sorrounding the human conditions across many boundaries.
How do i get to draw the situations?
Most of the drawing theories that I learned from university college contain an ideal picture how artists/designers should operate. I became aware that reality embodied just a small of ideal pictures from these textbooks.
Just like Mr. Frank Thomas (Disney animator) said : "observe everything, communicate well, draw, draw, draw." In current time, drawing is a perfect tool to bridging the world of visual thinking. It helps how we as people, connect, conttibute, learn, and make meaning together.


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