After Ten Years They Called It “Just Energy Transition”: A Graphic Record

A session from John Samuel, Oxfam Asia

A session from Aryanto Nugroho, PWYP Indonesia



On stage

A group from Indonesia

A group from Philippines

I start write again, today (04/09/23) after taking 2 weeks of trip from Jakarta, Jogja, Bandung, and Malang. I remember, in year 2014, I started collaborating with Publish What You Pay (PWYP) in “Open Government Partnership” project in Bali. What an impressive event! Because it was a biggest event at the year, in Indonesia. There’s so much coming up, seemingly out of nowhere: the ambience, the participants, the spokesperson, and myself actually. 

Changes..something that happens gradually ..

Now, ten years after, everything is flourish. PWYP’s team looks much younger than me: Kak Citra, Taufan, Apris, Ersya, and Mouna. Except Aryanto, Mbak Sri, Kak Meli, Mang Ipin, and Abdun. And also thanks to Mbak Maryati, Mbak Kiki, and Mbak Asri. Everything that I heard, or seen, or drawn, or felt, in every events, years by years, sort of them, influenced by this institution. I remember when PWYP was held an “Asia Pacific Meeting 2018”  in Bogor, it was an amazing experience. I explored the concept in exhilarating way. Tried to impress the delegation from India with a “metaphoric” visual with a bigger sketch of the spokesperson, just because they had a serious problem with the coal’s industries. Or the delegation from Australia who told about the importance of transparency in extractive industries.

And the time has come. Year 2020 and the pandemic.

When pandemic started in 2020, PWYP made it “easier”. They held a general meeting with a just a few clicks, effective, and trying to speed up the decision making process. So did I. 
I made a several video graphic about it. The video was set up with the animation opening combined with the texts and still images. You can see the video in here’s 
Something soothing about putting the visuals. 

In my opinion, it just because the PWYP’s topic always relevant with daily life. It involves the livelihood the public. From private sectors, government, academia, women, marginalized peoples, indigenous peoples, and the climate change. 

How do we go about “Climate Change?” 

Well, I’m not an expert to explain that. But the “puzzles” trying to arranged by PWYPxOXFAM in a “Regional Convening of CSO’s on Just Energy Transition” event, last week. The participants came from several organization in -mostly- South East Asia. The importance of “energy transition” narratives spread up during the 2 days session. There are a key phrases from those: from “inclusive access”, “people prosperity”, “fossil fuels”, “electricity”, “power plant”, “energy needs”, “NDC” and more. 

You can check the video in here’s 

Jakarta, Sept, 05, 2023

#mugibagja #graphicrecorder #graphicrecording #graphicrecorderindonesia #pwypindonesia 



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