interview with #graphicrecorder : Nilgun Kertmen

This is Nilgun Kertmen, from Germany. And she is sharing her thoughts about current condition, in the middle of #covid19 and her work process. Check it out!
I got my first official job as a graphic recorder in June 2019. In a social media channel they once wrote to me, that i have a clear style. What I do spesifically is, that I structure it and draw simply for everyone to understand. 
So far i haven't actually done it with #graphicrecording, but i've listened to useful tips from a colleague on giving visualitation training. 
My the most satisfaction projects are drew a poster with my son for the demonstration on climate change. It was a very valuable experience for me to see the world trough his eyes. And to express ideas with him in graphic recording. 
I was so curious about the world out there, that I always had extraordinary career wishes: Where I travel around the world and make experience in meaningful things. Work for something meaningful. For example : to be an archeologist :) 
I loved books. What the read most books? Hmm, i loved fantasy genre. For example: #HarryPotter. Game of thrones. Funny novels like #BridgetJones diary or novels like from #KhaledHosseini. 
Due to current catastrophe of #corona virus, I'am afraid of the effects that are still to come. Then, the herdly unstoppable #climatechange. 
I'am optimistic that we will respond better to pandemics worldwide. Not only in medical terms, but also that the others countries will concern us more in the future than it does now. 
Jakarta - Kunst. 13 April 2020
#graphicrecorder #graphicrecording #GraphicRecording #GraphicRecorder #livedrawing #livesketch #mugibagja #digitalgraphicrecorder #digitalgraphicrecording #digitalsketchnotes #sketchnotes #graphicrecorderasia #graphicrecorderindonesia 


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